A628 bypass is never going to happen – get used to it

26/02/09 – for immediate release

Save Swallow’s Wood welcomes the news that funding for the Mottram Tintwistle bypass will be deferred until 2016/2017 [5]. The hotly anticipated announcement from 4NW, due on Friday, will reveal their decision to postpone funding for the £315 million scheme in order to bring their budget within the allowed 20% overspend.

Of all the schemes coming under scrutiny, 4NW considered delaying funding for three road schemes, of which Mottram Tintwistle was one. In the end they decided Mottram Tintwistle was the lowest priority scheme and deferred funding to make way for other schemes that meet the transport needs of the region.

Emma Lawrence from Save Swallow’s Wood said:

“Of all the schemes being proposed Mottram Tintwistle was the most expensive and the most environmentally damaging. This is the first time a sensible decision has been made relating to the bypass and is a real cause for optimism amongst campaigners, as it effectively kicks it into the long grass.

We asked our supporters to respond to the consultation on the funding decision [2], which they did. Over 100 responses were submitted and we would like to think this effort contributed to the decision.

The decision shows the region is way ahead of local politicians in understanding the transport needs of our villages. What we need is an integrated transport solution not a damaging and expensive road scheme. The next step is for local politicians to accept that the bypass is never going to happen and to turn their attention to low-cost low-carbon solutions that will benefit local people and the environment and be deliverable in the short term. We would ask them to show their support instead for lorry ban across the national park; a proposal that is popular with local residents [3], has the support of the Peak District National Park [4], and would bring immediate relief to the villages for a fraction of the cost.”

For more information, contact: Emma Lawrence on 0845 226 3392.

Notes for Editors

[1] Save Swallow’s Wood is a group based in Glossop and Longdendale campaigning against the Mottram-Tintwistle bypass. For more information, visit

[2] See The campaign’s response to the consultation can also be downloaded from the website. See

[3] See Survey Reveals 70% Support a Lorry Ban:

[4] See

[5] An unofficial announcement was made online but has since been confirmed by 4NW. Contact Dave Colbert for more information (david.colbert[at]